Fulvia Raffaelli

Head of Digital Health Unit, Resp. European Health Data Space

Fulvia joined the Commission in 2002 and since then took up responsibilities in several highly complex regulatory and technical projects. After a few years dedicated to the economics of environmental policy, she worked on chemical legislation (REACH and CLP), first as policy advisor then as responsible for the implementation of the Authorisation and Restriction processes. Deputy Head of Unit since 2009, she moved to the Strategic Policy Unit in 2012 to be in charge of inter-institutional relations and the implementation of COSME (SMEs supporting programme). From 2015, she has lead the unit in charge of Circular Economy, Energy efficiency and Climate related policies in DG GROW. The implementation of the Ecodesign Directive, the implementation and revision of the Construction Products Regulation and the digital and green transition of the construction ecosystem were also part of her portfolio. Since September 2022, she joined DG SANTE to lead the Digital Health unit.

Born in 1969 in Italy, Fulvia Raffaelli has studied in Italy, Belgium and France and is graduated in Contemporary History, European Political Affairs and Political Science. She has three boys and loves sports and travels!
